Want to join our council?


  • 14-25 years old

  • King County Resident

  • Refugee, immigrant, or child of refugee/immigrant

  • Demonstrated passion for community leadership

Time Commitment

About 3 hours a week of independent work and 2 monthly council meetings.


Every member receives a quarterly stipend (rate of $25 an hour) for attending meetings and events.

Network with community leaders

A unique platform to connect and network with other like-minded individuals who share your passion for positively impacting the lives of refugees and immigrants in our community. You'll have the opportunity to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collectively drive meaningful change.

Gain Leadership Skills

As a member, you will have the tools and knowledge to effect positive change within your community. These skills empower you to advocate for the rights and needs of refugee and immigrant populations and enhance your personal and professional development.

Improve equity in King County

By joining, you become an integral part of a council that fosters a more equitable society where the voices of refugees and immigrants are heard and valued. You'll have the opportunity to actively contribute to initiatives that address social disparities, promote diversity, and advocate for the rights and well-being of marginalized communities.